
Welcome ToDrishti Vinyasa YogaTeacher Training


Over 15 Years of experience in conducting the yoga teacher training with upgraded yoga knowledge and physiology;

Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Shala bring the best in the yoga trainings to provide a yoga practitioner to add up in their practices and

begin teaching or adding up things into your existing teachings.   We are so greatful to introduce you the updated Drishti Vinyasa Yoga

Teacher Training to you with full of dedication, devotion and commitments.     

15+ Years

5 Star Yoga Alliance


Practical Approach





Our training contents are prepared from the 20+ years of practice and research and 15+ years of experience in conducting yoga teacher trainings successfully.   We prepared the training with the full of contents which suit for a practitioner to improve their knowledge on yoga and completely practical approach to improve the teaching skills.   


Our trainings are reputed and reviewed by the previous graduates as 'five star' marking in American Yoga Alliance and International Yoga Alliance.   One of the genuine and reputed yoga school in Shanghai and in India marked by the American Yoga Alliance.   Our graduates are our remarkable standard of our training.


Our trainings are very practical way of approaching yoga through postures, breathe, meditation, physiology, yoga class sequencings & alignments of yoga poses.   We spare our trainings complete hours in an effective way to transmit the completeness of yoga without loosing it's any essence from it.   

Profound Foundation
Senseful Alignment
Meaningful Sequencings
Supporting Teachers


Our 200hrs trainings are arranged to understands the importance of yoga posture alignment to practice safely and we added up different physiological contents to make a better understanding on it.   This will give you a better understanding on your body and how to open up gradually through a safe practice and also it helps you to understand your students body better to guide them properly improve gradually and feel the body better.   An experienced teacher can make the students to feel the body through verbal cues and physical adjustments; and our trainings are very much gives a profounded foundation to experience the yoga practice better than ever.   


Our yoga posture alignment sections gives a vast ideas about yoga postures and better understanding on human physiology and anatomy.   In our training, we adds a senseful anatomy in every aspects of physical practice to undertand it better; so the future teachers can guide the students with a better understanding.   A meaningful alignment gives a better and safe practice.


In our 200Hrs yoga teacher training we gives a good and meaningful understanding about the yoga sequencings from classical schools and meaningful ways of sequences where the students can get better benefits.   We adds up in our training with hatha and vinyasa based sequencings and also prepare a yoga teacher to teach confidently with profound knowledge on their classes.   


A better teacher supports and helps a student to feel their body and breathe with patience and care; our training guides every trainee to improve their verbal cues, physical adjustments, usage of props and optional movements or workouts from the first day of the training till the end.   We also guide them through their personal research on the subjects which we learnt from the classes and always supports to help them to understand the things in different visuals and research readings; this gives a great foundation for the future teachers to confidently approach their students with knowledge, love and care.   

Our Profounded Training Curriculum


Our 200Hrs Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training is filled with knowledge on yoga postures, alignment, adjustment skills, usage of props, contraindications, benefits, anatomy of yoga including with detailed knowledges of skeleto-muscular, respiratory, cardio-vascular, digestive, etc.   The curriculum is filled with detailed studies, research and improvement on verbal cues, cultivating confidence, marketing on yoga classes and workshops.   Our training mainly focus on practical aspects of yoga where the teachers can gain the detailed knowledge on teaching skils without loosing the classical aspects of yoga and confidently teach yoga classes once done.   

  • Asansas Practice, Deepening, Alignment & Adjustment Skills

  • Detailed learning on anatomy and yoga poses

  • Understanding how to use voice during classes

  • Detailed learning on class sequencings

  • Usage of yoga props & contraindications in yoga poses

  • Build confidence by teaching yoga classes, creating videos and course plans

  • Detailed learning on pranayama, anatomy of breathings, emotions, contraindications and course plans

  • Yogic Anatomy and Yoga Philosophy, Usage of meditation and verbal cues

  • Practice teaching yoga classes

  • Ayurveda, Kriyas, Importance of diet, Breathing and Life style

  • Yoga Alliance, Yoga Business, Yoga Marketings

  • Continue Education Programs, Follow up learnings, etc


6-12 months of consistent yoga practices. Intermediate proficiency in English

*Contact us to get the detailed training curriculum


Our Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training



3 Months

Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Shala



3 Study Manuals

Included with detailed Anatomy & Teaching Skills


Drishti Yoga Wears

Included yoga wears, yoga bag, yoga towel, cleansing apparatus

Upcoming Drishti Vinyasa

Yoga Teacher Training

19 Aug - 26 Nov 2023

200hrs Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

Shanghai, China

with Rajeev & Dhiraj

Nov 2023 - Jan 2024

200hrs Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

Shanghai, China

with Rajeev & Dhiraj

14 Jan - 11 Feb 2024

300hrs Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

Goa | India

with Rajeev

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this training suitable for me?

    Yes, this training is suitable for everyone whoever wishes to learn more on yoga and to deepen their practices and understanding on yoga.   This training is suitable for all level of students from beginner to advanced.   This training will be giving a very strong foundation on your practices!   

What style of yoga is this training?

    Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training are structured to on Vinyasa style of practices where lead the practices with and without props.   First two modules; 100hrs gives a strong foundation on fundamental postures and third module; 100hrs completely layout for vinyasa style practices.   In this training; morning practices are structured as Vinyasa style practice and every second day evening are structured as yin yoga practice.   

How long I need to be practicing before get in this training?

    Six to Twelve months of consistent hatha or vinyasa based practices are suggesting for the practitioners before enter this training.  

Can I get a certificate after this training?

    Every students gets a certification whoever finishes the 200hrs training, fulfil the written and video homework assignments and final exams.   Our training total accumulated hours are 240 + hours; so most of the trainees gets their full attendances of 200hrs even though they misses few classes.   But, we still suggest you to have 100% of the attendance to get the full benefits from this training and do it in one full semester.

What will I learn in this training?

    You will be getting into a good yoga community where meets new yoga friends and you will be adding up the new knowledge on the following topis:

  • Meditation - Everyday section will be beginning with seated - guided meditation & pranayama

  • Asana - Wide range undertanding about yoga postures, alignment on yoga poses, adjustment skills, usage of yoga props, contraindications

  • Alignment & Adjustment Skills - Doing postures safely by knowing the anatomy of yoga poses, key muscles stretchings and contracting during the poses, adjustment skills of poses, using the yoga props with intelligence to find comfortable positions

  • Breathe, Bandhas, Drishti - Not mechanically getting in the poses, adding up contents to get the most benefits from the poses

  • Sequencing - Structure the yoga classes with senseful sequences to gain the most benefits from the practices.   Adding up sequencing based on students needs, sequencings based on intentions, sequence preparations for small yoga workshops, sequence prepration for course plan, etc

  • Verbal Cues - Cultivate to more confident and effective verbal cue improvements.

  • Teaching Yoga Classes - You will be teaching from the first day of the training the tasks which we gives you

  • Demonstration - Key and effective ways of demonstration and verbal cue improvement during demonstrations

  • Anatomy of Yoga

  • Pranayama

  • Kriyas

  • Ayurveda Introduction

  • Yoga Philosophy

  • History of Yoga Lineage

  • Introduction to Yin Yoga

  • Yoga & Yoga Business

What is process to get the benefits and early bird fee?

    To get the early bird fee and benefits; you need to make the payment before the specified time we mentioned in each training.   Once your payment is done; we will begin the procedure to share the study materials to prepare your training effectively.   We also gives guidance to improve the training and necessary improvements too.   Feel free to contact our yoga shala to get an appointment with the training teacher to get more consulation on this.

What is the yoga teacher training fee refund policy of Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Shala?

    Once your payment done and our training materials are shared with you; there is no money will be refunding back.   If you wish to postponed the training for upcoming ones then you need to process it with the new application forms before the existing training begins which you applied for.  

Is there any reading materials provide by the school?

    Once your training fee is transfered, we will be process your application form in a week and we will be sending you the necessary preparatory study materials for the training to prepare the training effectively.   On need, you can request to get the study materials earlier and we can provide it for you.   Necessary guidance and consulation can be done with the teacher with an appointment.   Feel free to contact us to get a consultation time with the training teacher.

What I have to do if I couldn't attend few days in training?

    Our total training hours are 240+ hours; if you are missing few days then it will not affect your total training hours accumulation which is 200hrs to finish your training.   But if you are missing much hours and total accumulated hours from the training goes below 200 hours then you need to accumulate the missing hours from the upcoming similar trainings and you have to fulfill it.   After that only we will be issuing the certificate and completion of training.  

Is there any homework submission in these trainings?

    Yes, there are necessary written homeworks, video homeworks, assessment writings and sequencing homeworks during these training period.   Students also must have to demo the necessary fundamental postures on the process of training period.

What are the required things to finish this training and certified?

    Necessary 200hrs attendance, fulfill all the assigned homeworks, fulfilling the written exam, teaching exam and submiting the assigned course plans in given duration.

Is Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Internationally Approved?

    Yes, our yoga teacher training are internationally approved and our schools are registered in american yoga alliance as RYS200.  

Can I teach yoga classes just after the Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training?

    Yes, our trainings are structured for the yoga practitioners to become yoga teachers through this intensive training.   We arranged the subjects to improve the teaching skills of a yoga practitioners to get confidence and get the pround knowledge about yoga, physiology and arranging well balanced sequences.  

What is Yoga Alliance & RYT Trainings?

    Our Shalas (Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Shala-Trivandrum & Drishti Vinyasa Yoga Shala- Shanghai) are   Registered Yoga School in Yoga Alliance.   Our teacher training are internationally approved and it is certified by the American Yoga Alliance from 2012.   Yoga Alliance is an organization which governing the quality of the trainings and teachers in U.S and globally.   

    Graduates from our school are eligible to register in Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT).   Know more about Yoga Alliance in their website.   www.yogaalliance.org


从我们学校的毕业生均有资格在瑜珈联盟注册为的瑜伽老师(RYT)。想要了解决更多的信息,请登录他们的网站进行查询 www.yogaalliance.org